SHEILA: You’re a pig! (WILL looks up in alarm.) Gross! (SHE moves as if to leave.)
WILL: Don’t go! Please! I didn’t mean to offend. I can’t help myself sometimes. (SHEILA relents and sits.) Eat me. (SHEILA slaps WILL’s face.)
SHEILA: You are a pig!
WILL: How did you know?
SHEILA: Look at you!
WILL: I guess it’s still obvious. I can put on clothing, I can put on shoes – there’s almost nothing left of my tail – but I’ll never really look like one of you guys.
SHEILA: Are you – (SHE looks around.) Is there someone who’s supposed to be taking care of you?
WILL: You think I’m crazy. I’m not. I’m a pig.
SHEILA: Don’t brag about it.
WILL: It’s not bragging. I’m a pig. You’re a person. You’re supposed to eat me. (HE offers an arm.) Go ahead.
SHEILA: What are you talking about? You think you’re an actual pig!?
WILL: I don’t know what to think. They won’t let me back in the sty. Even my own mother . . . well. She got turned into sausage a few weeks ago. I figure my time is coming soon.
SHEILA: You’re a lunatic.
WILL: Please don’t go. I’d think I’m crazy if I were in your place. But I’m not.
SHEILA: How could you be a pig?
WILL: It’s not only me. Look around. That skinny guy over there with the pink face? Salmon. Him? Black Angus. I wonder what they’re eating.
SHEILA: How can they be animals if they’re human?
WILL: We’re not totally human. We’re getting there. The vegetarians, PETA and the other animal-rights fanatics – they inspired us. And we figured out the best hiding place of all. Or so the others tell me. I don’t know. I still feel like a pig. You’re very nice. Go ahead. Eat me.
SHEILA: Eat you.
WILL: I could give you a nice crown roast. Or a rack of ribs. I could follow in my father’s footsteps. He was quite a ham.
SHEILA: Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t eat you. I’m Jewish.
WILL: Oh. But I have cloven hooves – or I did have. You can still sort of see ‘em.
SHEILA: You’re not a ruminant.
WILL: There’s always a technicality. (Pause.) What about bacon? I could do you a beautiful rasher. (SHE shakes her head.) I know there are Jews who eat bacon. They say it doesn’t count.
SHEILA: Bacon is . . . still not Kosher. Why do you want so much to be eaten? Didn’t you turn human to avoid that?
WILL: What else can I do? Isn’t it my lot in life, my destiny?
SHEILA: You don’t aspire to anything else?
WILL: Everything in me screams to be on that plate in front of you. I would feel honored if you’d at least let me pickle a hock.
SHEILA: Stop! Stop thinking like that! Just because you come from a, a group that’s always been persecuted doesn’t mean you have to go along with it! It only stops when you decide to stop it! Don’t you see? Whatever this vegetarian-peat thing is, it’s giving you a chance to lead your pigs, your people, whatever, to freedom!
WILL: That’s not me. I mean, it sounds nice, but . . . when I think that it means I’ll never end up on a plate in front of someone as sweet as you, I feel like I have no purpose.
SHEILA: You have a new purpose!
WILL: I just want to do what my people have always done.
SHEILA: The reason my people have been able to rise above oppression is because we have such a strong sense of tradition. You have to believe that becoming bacon isn’t the part of your tradition to hang onto.
WILL: What else is there?
SHEILA: You guys do plenty of other things!
WILL: We hunt truffles.
SHEILA: Right!
WILL: . . . and that’s it.
SHEILA: That’s a great start! But no matter what, you can organize your fellow pigs into a coalition that refuses to be the world’s victims! You – what’s your name?
WILL: Wilbur.
SHEILA: Oh, dear. You, Wilbur, could be like the George Washington of pigs, leading them to freedom! You’d be able to raise your families without fear, and your life expectancy would increase exponentially!
WILL: It’s a wonderful dream.
SHEILA: Do it! Organize the others! Before you know it, we’re living side by side, me and you, sharing our respective escapes from the oppressors.
WILL: I’ll do it. You’re wonderful. Can I ask you . . . would you like to go out with me?
SHEILA: Oh, dear.
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