Monday, January 15, 2018

The Amateur Photograph

Guest Blogger Dept.: Let's revisit the poetry of P.G. Wodehouse, with an piece from 1901 that reminds us how little has changed.


P.G. Wodehouse
The eye is the eye of a forger,
The brow is the brow of a thief,
        The mouth and the nose
        Alike disclose
A wickedness past belief.

‘Tis a visage that proves its owner
A man of the basest stamp,
        I haven't a doubt
        That he rides about
At nights without a lamp,

Or travels without a ticket,
Or visits music halls;
        His expression shows
        That he often goes
To Covent Garden balls.

And – but what is that you are saying?
Ah, horror! Can it be
        That this shocking disgrace,
        With its Hooligan face,
Is an excellent likeness of me!

-- P.G. Wodehouse, Fun Magazine, 2 March 1901

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